


Deepening your impact in the community

We’re committed to helping our clients improve lives in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. 



Executive Transitions & Interim Leadership 

We work with organizations to manage both planned and unexpected changes in leadership. These transitions can be a time of both enormous risk and significant opportunity. While staying focused on the mission, we work with our clients to assess organizational effectiveness, foster a culture of open communication and trust, deepen the engagement of the board, build the staff team, and ensure a stable launching pad for new leadership.

We provide guidance in the following areas:

  • Interim executive leadership

  • Executive transitions

  • Succession and scenario planning

  • Board-led CEO/executive director searches


Organizational Change & STRATEGY

Change is complicated. For some people it inspires a sense of excitement, and for others it generates resistance. Through authentic engagement of staff, board members, community members, and other stakeholders, we help our clients build momentum for changes that are essential for an organization to produce meaningful outcomes. We work with organizations to assess capacity, refine strategies, and align staffing, work plans, and resources with the organization’s most critical priorities.

We provide guidance in the following areas:

  • Organizational capacity assessment

  • Organizational restructuring

  • Change management

  • Business planning

  • Strategy formation


Mergers & Partnerships

Partnerships are becoming increasingly essential as organizations strive to address complex, systemic challenges in our communities. We help organizations explore opportunities to deepen their impact and enhance their sustainability through collaboration with others.

We provide guidance in the following areas:

  • Strategic alliances

  • Merger exploration and assessment

  • Merger implementation


We work with boards to explore board culture, board structures, board practices, and the nuanced intersections between board and staff leadership. We blend our knowledge of research-based practices and our hands-on experience with more than 100 boards to provide our clients with useful strategies for improving board engagement.

We provide guidance in the following areas:

  • Board assessment

  • Retreat planning and facilitation

  • Policy review and development

  • Governance training